Enterprise AI

Enterprise Ai

EnterpriseAI is a no-code AI development platform enabling business users to solve problems with artificial intelligence, not engineering.

Key capabilities include :

  • Library of 40+ industry solutions
  • 200+ data modelling templates
  • 150+ data source connectors
  • Infrastructure and ready-to-use models
  • Custom model building and deployment
  • Data science support at every stage
  • With our nimble solution, go from prototype to production rapidly, so you can focus on tangible business outcomes.

    Benefits realised by customers with our AI solution

    01 . Top 10 Global Wind Turbine Manufacturer

    Predicted 83% of turbine failures 45 days in advance

    02 . Leading Global Automotive Parts Manufacturer

    53% reduction in demand forecasting errors

    03 . Top Credit Card Chargeback Recovery Provider

    61% improvement in ability to recover lost revenue

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